2905 Highway 287 South
Sheridan, MT 59749

PO Box 1629
Mukilteo, WA 98275
Telephone: (425) 710-9322
Facsimile (425) 513-2292
E-mail: airmed@aol.com





  Intellectual property law protects creations of the human mind. These laws protect intangible concepts in the early stages of development.And, with the advancement of the technology and the world economy, it is increasingly important to take steps early in the development stages of an idea to protect that idea for future use. The degree to which an idea, process, product or artistic work is protected can mean the difference for an individual or company between years of market leadership and distinction, and wasted development dollars due to overnight replicas produced by competitors.


  PATENTS -- A right granted by the governments of most countries to individuals and/or companies to exclude others from making using or selling an article, machine, process or composition in that country for a limited time. Innovations which are protectable include mechanical, electronic, chemical, computer, plant, bio technological and ornamental design improvements and processes.


  TRADEMARKS AND SERVICE MARKS -- The protection of newly selected or previously used trademarks and service marks under federal, state and foreign trademark law.This protection includes words or designs that signify a commercial origin of goods and services and distinguish those goods or services from those of a competitor.


  COPYRIGHTS -- Rights granted by governments to protect the exclusive rights of authors and artists in various media, including books, recordings, photographs, graphics, sculptures, video recordings, music, choreography, games, dolls, technical drawings, computer programs, movies, software and drama.


  TRADE SECRETS -- The protection of confidential technology and business information developed by individuals and companies.If reasonable steps are taken to maintain such information in confidence, the information is frequently granted judicial protection from misuse and theft.


  COMPUTER LAW -- The use of intellectual property to protect computer systems and software.The development of effective contracts and licensing agreements is particularly important in computer law.


  LICENSING -- The preparation and negotiation of licenses, assignments and similar agreements concerning intellectual property law rights.


  UNFAIR COMPETITION -- The judicial and legislative rights created to protect individuals and companies from unfair or deceptive trade practices or acts.


  PLANT VARIETY PROTECTION -- The protection of newly developed plant varieties.Some types of plants are protected under Plant Patents, and others are protected under the Plant Variety Protection Act.


  Within the bounds of law, we provide legal services to assist our clients in recognizing, defining and safeguarding intellectual property. The process of protecting intellectual property is an intricate one requiring not only expertise but diligence, patience and understanding. Our assistance often begins with your conception of an idea and extends through the many stages of idea and product development so that we become a vital part of your team in the development of business strategies to protect property rights in daily manufacturing and marketing activities.