Golden Keep Card

Sign Up Form

Your Full Name

Shipping Addr

Home Phone

Work Phone

Email Address

Social Security #

(for reporting of profit sharing earnings)

Relatives Full Name


wife  husband

son daughter

son daughter

son daughter

If this list should change at any time, please give us a call and let us know öthank you.

*Six months from the day your sign up form is processed ö you and your immediate family will have private air-medical jet service available, free of charge, should you need it.


Payment Option #1 

  • I would like to make the payment for my Golden Keep Card in:
  • 12 Monthly Payments of $10.50
    One Payment of $120

    I understand that I will receive the following benefits for this level of participation:

    • Private air-medical jet transportation for me and/or my immediate family in the event of serious illness or injury.
    • A monthly check from the Golden Keep Foundation as part of my automatic participation in the Co-Op Profit Sharing Program.
    • Satisfaction of knowing that I am helping AMSA in their efforts to improve air-medical coverage in rural communities.
    • A complimentary copy of AMSAâs Quarterly Newsletter.

    Payment Option #2 

  • I would like to make the payment for my Golden Keep Card in:
  • 12 Monthly Payments of $15.50
    One Payment of $186

    I understand that I will receive the following benefits for this level of participation:

    • All the benefits for Option 1,


    • One free product of my choice (per month) due to my extended level of participation in the Golden Keep Foundation's Co-Op Profit Sharing Program. Choose from the products listed below.

    - - - - - - - -

    Method of Payment

    I would like my payment(s) automatically deducted from my:
    Charge Card

    Name on Card:
    Card #
    Exp. Date:
    Checking Account
    Account #
    Bank Name:

    I authorize the above debit transaction(s) to take place.
    Check the boxSignature    Date

    Member Who Introduced you to this program:

    Coffee Beans